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The global implementation of natural gas in residential properties has grown substantially since the mid-19th century. In addition, the rise of gas-powered appliances has become increasingly more popular amongst a variety of commercial complexes and residential properties alike. It’s important for homeowners to reimagine all the ways they can use energy while keeping the environment in mind. The following hacks can revolutionize the way energy is used in homes:

Buy A Gas-Powered Refrigerator & Freezer

Homeowners can lower their energy usage by purchasing a gas-powered refrigerator, freezer, or BOTH. We waste a lot of energy using electric refrigerators and freezers when we store our groceries and goods. Many consumers are under the impression that refrigerators and freezers are only meant to be cold. However, their true intention is to maintain a regulated temperature.

Gas refrigerators use heat to make the unit cold utilizing ammonia as a refrigerant. Although using heat to keep your food cold seems a bit unusual, this intricate process is called “absorption cooling or chilling”. One massive benefit to absorption chillers is that there are NO moving mechanical parts involved. As a result, there are no parts that wear, thus making natural gas refrigerators more reliable and long-lasting. Additionally, if there is a power outage and your home is affected, there is less to worry about because your food will not spoil.

Cook Using a Gas-Energized Oven or Range

Another way to reduce your energy bill and overall electric energy consumption is by reimagining the way you cook. In the kitchen, we use large electric devices that use massive amounts of energy. When searching for a gas-powered oven or range, there are a few things to consider: how often you cook and your budget. Gas-powered ranges are more efficieint and often cheaper to operate.

When finding the right range, you’ll want to recognize what separates a gas oven from an electric oven. There are several model types, varying in price, efficiency, and framework. For example, there are standard models, which include up to 9,500 Btu (British thermal units) at the least expensive price point. Mid-range models, which have high performance burners that heat up to around 12,500 Btu. Then, there are premium and pro models, which are the most expensive and float around the 17,000 – 20,000 Btu. As you upgrade from standard to pro oven, other features will also increase. Things like burner numbers, control panels and storage may vary depending on which model you choose. In the end, you can find increased efficiency, lower cost, and professional performance by switching to a gas-energized oven or range.

Keep an eye out for part two of two on Energy Saving Hacks for Homeowners in 2022 in the coming weeks…

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